Friday, 20 January 2012

How to Make Your Own Swiffer Wetjet Pads & Refill

 Swiffer refills can get so expensive and with the baby coming soon I've been looking for ways to reduce my expenses. I stumbled upon a Youtube video showing how to refill the Wetjet solution bottle (there's several ways; easiest is to hold the plastic white lid under hot water for 10 seconds then use a cloth to help unscrew it, or you can insert a funnel into the tiny hole opening and pour your solution mixture of choice. For the solution general rule is use a capful of your preferred cleaner and then fill up the rest with water) and in the video she mentioned she uses an old teatowel as a pad. That got me thinking. I've been going through my home, reorganizing and purging things that I don't need or use and I was getting rid of some facecloths and a hand towel I no longer wanted. So here's my inexpensive and enviromentally friendly new Swiffer Wetjet pads!

Take old cloth (oversized one preferrably), place it on your Swiffer and cut it. It will look similar to the picture below. Don't worry if it's not even, no one's going to know. You just want to ensure you cut off enough so you are not covering the sprayers. Secure with two larger size safety pins on either side, making sure cloth is not covering the sprayers.

And there ya have it! You're very own pad. The velcro on the bottom of the Swiffer really helps keep the facecloth from sliding around. Once you've used it just toss it in the laundry and wash! If you're really up for it you can sew around the edges you cut so that they won't frey.

Here's how I store them. I made four; two from facecloths and two from a handtowel. In order to not lose the safety pins, I took a magnet from one of my fridge magnets I wasn't fond of and taped it to the top inside lid. I purchased the box from the dollar store and was actually donating it as I didn't have much use for it. Good thing I'm slow at taking my donations to Salvation Army!

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